The Innovation in Hotel and Food Service Industry in Cyprus
The book is written in Greek My long-time involvement with the hotel industry, my studies regarding the specific era and finally the fact that I’m a hotel educator at schools that prepare the tomorrows’ professionals of the specific industry, all these have led me to try and find a way of making the hotel industry develop constantly. The book consists of 13 chapters, all major problems that the tourist industry faces are examined, with the exemption of the first chapter, which examines the tourist industry of the island in general. Many of the chapters are studies (Organizational Culture Management, Energy Environmental Management Program, How productivity is monitored in a Hotel, ISO 9002, Food Poisoning Outbreaks in a Hotel, Restaurant Operations, etc) I have prepared for others or educational material which was properly adapted. The aim is for the readers to use the specific book as a framework in order to compile their own study in order to assess their enterprise or reorganize it in order to deal successfully with its problems. Special emphasis is given upon the matter of the training and evaluation of the personnel thus giving specialized formulas. Most useful are the sections examining the general management, study preparation and programming, which gives in detail all the steps that, must be followed in order for the enterprise to be improved. The book is more useful today, concerning the problems that the tourism faces globally, but more specific in Cyprus.
Product Details:
- ISBN 9978-9963-563-61-6
- Hard Cover
- Shape 17 x 25 (B5)
- Number of Pages: 301pp with index and colour pictures and illustrations
- Two-colour printing with 135 gr. luxury paper
- Date of Published: 2007
- The book is written in Greek