July 23, 2020
Bistro Cafe – Case Study
1. ANALYSIS Avalon is a café bistro, which is in the business and cultural center of Sheffield. ´Bistro` means a place where people can get together and have either a cup of coffee or soft drinks or fruit juices along with hot and cold food. The operation of the bistro is limited to lunch and dinner and it also offers a take-away service. It is important to analyze the Stakeholders of the café. Owners. Avalon is a private limited organization. It consists of three equal partners, who form the Board of Directors and all of them have control of the company.
July 13, 2020
Cook – Chill Production System
Cook-chill is the method of taking cooked food, rapidly cooling it to a temperature of 4˚C, then holding the food at this temperature. The major difference between cook-chill and conventional cook-serve system is that cook-chill production files an inventory for future use where as cook-serve is intended for immediate use and distribution.
July 13, 2020
Energy Environemntal Program in Hotel
This study examines the concept of energy environmental management which explains and analyzes the steps that the Iliada Hotel uses to make it part of its daily operation. There are four basic steps to implement the program. These steps are: Motivation of the Staff, Planning Action, making it happen, and Reviewing Progress.
July 13, 2020
Food Poisoning Outbeak in a Hotel
This assignment analyses a case scenario, which is based on a food poisoning outbreak. This incident took place in the Iliada Hotel. Then, the hotel management called the local health department to investigate the outbreaks. The health inspectors determined that the chicken had been baked in the kitchen’s oven not in the proper temperatures and served to the guests.
July 13, 2020
How Productiviry is Monitored in a Hotel
The aim of this assignment is to show how productivity is monitored at the Iliada Hotel. The hotel management uses a variety of productivity management criteria, which are explained, evaluated and criticized in this study. It is important for the operations of the hotel to be efficient and effective, to measure the productivity of employees.
July 13, 2020
ISO 9000
Nowadays, customers are the main concern in the hotel industry. The hotel management must meet their needs and wants in order to have a successful hotel operation. A crucial factor, in this competitive environment, is to provide the customers with quality products and services. The hotel management must adopt the following quality standards: service, hygiene, safety, guest courtesy, and protection of the environment.
July 13, 2020
Kitchen Planning and Operation
This assignment is about how to design in food service industry the most basic part, which is the kitchen. The main concern for any manager in planning and design kitchen is that of hygiene and is that of cross contamination. However, the construction and materials used in the preparation storage and cooking areas are important in reducing the risk of contamination.