Lefkos Fylaktides

Director of Cyprus Tourism

Sotiris Kefalas, educator, researcher, writer, executive director in some phases of his career in the hotel industry, must present a significant and diverse offer in the tourist events of Cyprus. Originating from hotelier’s family, he chose the Athletics field of hotel education to give his own battle and offer to the place. An offer not limited to the hundreds of hotel students who have spent their class in the last 20 years. Sotiris also dealt with the research of the Cyprus tourism industry and imprinted his knowledge and experience in a long list of books, articles and publications, which extend to almost all the spectrum of the Directorate and Operation of hotel and food units. This writing project is useful for the student, for the researcher and for the employees of the hotel and food industry. I am particularly pleased that through the work of Sotiris Kefala, the correctness of the course underlying the strategic plan for tourism is strengthened and confirmed: The need to comprehensively upgrade the quality of tourist services by providing added value to the tourism experience and differentiating from competition through a repositioning that will highlight the basic values of Cyprus as Tourist destination. So, congratulations to Sotiris Kefala, not only for his important writings but for his multifaceted contribution to the tourism of Cyprus, through various bastions over the last 25 years. I hope and look forward to the continuation of this work for the good of the place.

Michael Evaggelides

General Manager of Aqua Sol Hotel Ltd

Sotiris Kefalas has proven beyond doubt to be an excellent connoisseur and consultant on the hotel's general, but especially of the Cyprus reality. He is characterized by his diligence and the pursuit of his spiritual and academic advancement.  The rich in material, knowledge and analyses, his books prove the magnitude of the work he has done,  the  breadth of his academic education,  But the application of this knowledge to the professional level.  It is indeed a great success to able to apply the theory in practice and this achievement can only be achieved in the difficult times for the Global Tourism we live in. However, it is essential that the human factor takes a leading role again and offers the true Cypriot hospitality that was the cornerstone of our success. It also needs to trust the Cypriot Professional who certainly has the knowledge and experience to do his work. His friend Sotiris Kefalas is a great example of the ability of the Cypriot professional, since through his author works, he shares his long experience in all areas of hotel and food industry and offers knowledge to all interested parties.

Christos Volos

Manager Asterias Beach Hotel

Through his work over the years Soteris Kefalas has set his seal on the hotel and catering world of our island. I am extremely pleased because he continues, with adolescent enthusiasm, and wisdom of thought to offer his services to the island as both an educator and a professional. He is a distinguished professional, businessman, teacher and writer, who has set down in these books his views, knowledge and experience, including practical examples, regarding the operation of all departments of the hotel and restaurant sector. All this makes the books extremely useful both as a source of ideas and as a kind of logbook of actions for those employed in the hotel industry and for students at all levels. The author’s philosophy, which is reflected in every page of his books, is based on people and knowledge. People as the main axis of activity within a hospitality business, must be well equipped both morally and mentally. Only thus can the business goals be attained. The professional’s knowledge must be profound and must stem from an in-depth study of the market situation and the new data that arise from academic research.

Nicos Tornaritis

Member of Cyprus Parliament

Reading the books of Sotiris Kefala, I was pleased to see that these correspond to the Cyprus data and are a useful guide for the correct and effective planning and the proper functioning of the tourist enterprises, restaurants and hotel units. The author, through his research work and his personal long experience, explores the concepts of sustainable business development and proceeds to carry out a feasibility and sustainability study. Studying of his books perceive theauthor's overall proposal, and the suggestions for the effective operation of a modern business  in the food and hotel industry. In a highly competitive environment in the field of the tourism product, the  author  prostates the professionalism, dedication  and  quality of customer service, in combination with the modern Methods of effective administration. I conclude with the pleasant finding that the books of Sotiris Kefalas are useful tools for every entrepreneur who operates in the field of tourism business. They are also useful manuals for all training centers that deal with the tourism industry.

Andreas Evangelou

ex-Mayor of Paralimni

A book is for everyone a window to see the world and for young people it is a decisive factor in the evolution and creation of their own life. Despite the technological advances, the value of the book will never be exceeded. As the cinema did not replace the theatre, nor did the photo painting. The book will always remain a faithful and pleasant friend who will give us some aesthetic enjoyment and knowledge, through its pages. Such as the books of the friend and classmate Sotiris Kefala which is the fruit of an inspired idea and a great cotton. I consider it our honor as a fellow citizen, Sotiris Kefalas, after hard and persistent work, issued these remarkable books concerning the hotel industry. These books I am sure will be a teaching manual for students of hotel management programs, auseful aid for the employees in the hotel business, whether they are owners, executives, scholars and will contribute to the Empletism of literature in the    management of Hotel enterprises.

Katelitsa Phylactou

Director of Xenion High School

Isocrates says in his “Panegyric”: I wonder why the organizers of feasts and games have found the accomplishments of the body worthy of praise, while they have given no thought to those who excel in intellectual work”. Isocrates would still be baffled if he were alive today. It is our duty to acknowledge and reward the efforts of academics and of intellectuals in general, who strives to achieve the intellectual and cultural development of our society. Soteris Kefalas, with the six scientifically structured books he has written on the tourism industry of Cyprus, has greatly contributed to the enrichment of both the Greek and international bibliography. Not only that, but we believe he has also played a role in strengthening the economy of our town, which, as it is well known, depends on the tourism industry. We warmly congratulate you, dear Soteris. We are proud of you, a citizen of our community, and we feel lucky to have you serving education with so much devotion and love for what you are doing. Through your scientific and cultural work, you have made a great contribution to the social and cultural development of your hometown. Dear Soteris, we hope that you will reap more success and wish you all the best.

Nikos Vlitis

"Your excellent job honors you as much as your community. Indeed, the two books of the author contribute to the tourism case which is the main donor of the Cyprus Economy". The Author, through the knowledge and experience that he possesses in the topics of the hotel sector, gives all professionals and non, the required information to help upgrade our tourist product. I congratulate you and wish you continue to offer to upgrade tourism both in our tourist area and in Cyprus in general.

Erotokritos Erotokritou

"On behalf of the Ministry of Education, I am here to congratulate you on your valuable work today in the tourism industry. It is accepted by all in a healthy and developed tourism industry as a prerequisite for the development of the economy and contributes to the social progress and prosperity of a state. I would like to say that entering the united Europe is self-evident that we are entering a competitive society and I believe the answer to the challenges is the existence of a suitable educated staff and we have nothing more to do than invest in this sector. So, friend Sotiris leaving the podium I would like you to continue to offer to the tourism industry, because your knowledge and experience are useful and will contribute to the joint effort and further strengthening of the tourism and food industry".

Antonis Charalambidis

Cyprus is a very popular tourist destination and has a rich and developed tourism industry I congratulate the work of the writer friend because...." both books re remarkable and praiseworthy and enrich tourism literature and also contribute to the rational development of tourism in Cyprus ". As for the first book you mention about the quality of 4 * hotels, The researcher used the servqual system to search for quality measurement of the offered services with the ultimate purpose and aim to help the professional hotelier to upgrade his services... It is imperative to upgrade the quality of tourist services globally by providing added value to the tourist experience. The second book you mention in Cyprus tourism serves the same goal but in a different way. It includes a broad theme with the most essential aspects of the operation of a tourism business: organisational approaches, management practices, specific analysed studies, and proven standardised procedures and Forms. This book is very useful for students of hotel schools and professionals employed in the hotel and food industry. Reading both books of the author I believe that professionals, students and those interested in tourism will benefit greatly with the aim to improve and upgrade the offered quality services. I congratulate friend Sotiris and wish him to continue writing about the hotel and food industry.

Christos Volos

I am delighted to welcome the two books of the author in the elite hospitality industry... The author has stamped with the multi-annual work of the island's and food events. ... I am very pleased that he continues with his unparalleled vigor and wisdom of thought, which offers him invaluable insights in both the hotel and educational sectors, thus combining his overall offer on our island. The philosophy of the author, which is reflected in every page of his book, is based on man and knowledge. Man, as the central axis of activity in a business of Hospitality, must commonly is armed both mentally and morally. This is the only way in which the operational objectives are to be succeeded. The knowledge of the practitioner must be profound and be the result of serious study of market data and new data resulting from academic study. Mr. Kefalas is entitled to be proud because the work he performs in the transmission of knowledge is miraculous and mainly essential... The books of the esteemed fellow-author are suitable for all partners of the industry of the Hospitality that are genuinely interested in facing the various issues raised by the academic the standpoint. The people who will study them in depth, then will perceive the enclosed meanings that will enable them to upload their level of knowledge. My warmest congratulations on behalf of the Board of Directors of the H.C.I.M.A

Christos Andreou, Publisher

Author Soteris Kefalas has had a significant involvement in the Hotel and Catering Industry, with long years of studies in this field, engagement in all areas of the profession, particularly as an instructor for 30 years. He currently works at Paralimni Technical School as a Hotel Studies instructor and has been Assistant Principal since 2000. This has earned him the right to express his well-founded opinions on all aspects of the industry. The restless spirit of the educator and professional has led him on to new paths and quests aimed at upgrading the tourism product.   He has acquired knowledge of up to date technology and technical know-how and his suggestion to his colleagues is that knowledge of these matters will make them better able to apply new teaching methods with emphasis on co-operative learning and the creation of a suitable climate for teaching and learning. His quest is for the ideal and the sustainable. He has attempted to discover what must be done by all teachers, professionals and workers in the Hotel and Catering Industry to meet tourists’ expectations and make them want to return to Cyprus and to promote the product. He has discovered that there is insufficient research into understanding the expectations and perceptions of customers-tourists and that there is a gap between what is offered and what is expected. He also finds that tourists’ expectations are met not only by a good pricing policy but also by the quality of the services offered. Measurement of success stems from the entrepreneurs’ ability to satisfy their customers and persuade them to come back and/or convey that satisfaction to others so that they too will want to sample this quality of services.

Soteris Kefalas

Writer Soteris Kefalas speaks about his work In order to prepare the bi-lingual series of six books, totalling about 2000 pages, I devoted thousands of hours from the leisure and holiday time to which all workers and fathers of large families are entitled. I worked night and day with a great deal of love and enthusiasm and spent much money. It was with some bitterness that I discovered that despite the words of praise I received for my contribution, the long hours I devoted to preparing the books and the large sums of money I paid to publish them did not yield me any returns. If I had spent the time in professional employment I would have had twofold gain: by saving the money I spent to publish the twelve books and by earning money by working for a fee. I am not complaining about what I did since I did it out of love: love for Cyprus and for Paralimni, my home town. I also did what I did out of love for the profession I chose to follow: the hotel and catering business. So even though I knew from the outset that publishing my books would cost me a great deal in both time and money and I would receive nothing in exchange, I undertook the venture all the same because I am above all an educator and feel duty bound to offer my knowledge to all who might have need of it and because I am a man who has great love for his country. Cyprus is a modern European country on the crossroads of three continents and civilizations. Civilizations and cultures meet here in a setting of phenomenal beauty and cultural heritage. After Cyprus became an independent state in 1960 priority was given to the tourist development of the island. Except for the terrible blow dealt by the Turkish invasion of 1974 development in this area has been continuous and rapid and today tourism is one of the main sectors of the economy of Cyprus.